2024   |   2023


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November 22, 2023

Hot off the press! Jordan, together with all collaborators, achieved 3% and stable polymer solar cell! Strategic Incorporation of Cleavable Side Chains Improves Thermal Stability of PffBT-T4-Based Polymer Solar Cells | Chemistry of Materials

November 15, 2023

CRP conference in Charleston! Great to meet old friends and some legends in the fields of controlled radical polymerization! We had a great time!

October 27, 2023

Congratulations to Dr. Joji Tanaka on being awarded the Postdoctoral Award for Research Excellence! Joji rocks! One of the ONLY five postdocs in the entire UNC Chapel Hill that received this prestigious award!

October 25, 2023

Jordan got the first prize in the poster presentation of 2023 Triangle Student Research Competition!! Congratulations, Jordan!

June 26, 2023

Summer time = BBQ time! Annual group gathering with members, significant others, and friends! New to this year: Karaoke and fireworks!

June 23, 2023

If you are interested in non-covalent interactions in 2D perovskites, check this out! Dr. Yan is now Research Assistant Professor! Non-covalent interactions involving π effect between organic cations in low-dimensional organic/inorganic hybrid perovskites

June 20, 2023

You group members (current and former) at @Fpi15conf! These are the conjugated polymer team in our group!

June 14, 2023

If you were in GRC Polymer last week with me, you would want to read this! Old dog should learn new tricks! Thanks to the RAFT team (Joji, Jiajia, and Sam). Step-growth polymerization by the RAFT process – now published in Chemical Communications

May 25, 2023

Jun in action! A Korean visiting student from Hanyang to work with us in the summer. Welcome!

April 12, 2023

PhD No.23 from our lab! Dr. Kyle Cushman! Wish you all the best with your new job!

March 31, 2023

Congratulations to Sam Clouthier for receiving NSF GRFP!

March 27, 2023

Justin spent a week in ANL working on measuring his materials. THANKS to Dr. Jie Xu who was a great host/mentor!

February 21, 2023

Welcome Camryn, our newest member & first year PhD student! Camryn grew up in South Texas and received her BS in chemistry from Texas Christian University.

February 10, 2023

Step-by-step guide on how to synthesize D18 series polymers. Guaranteed to work and high yield! Congrats to Xiaowei and others! Facile Synthesis of Key Building Blocks of D18 Series Conjugated Polymers for High-Performance Polymer Solar Cells. More exciting works from her are in the pipeline. Stay tuned!